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logo for The Institute of Psychogeographic Adventure with honey-comb-like icon.

Experiment #3.47 (SUNY Stony Brook)

Location | Stony Brook, NY
Commisioned by | SUNY Stony Brook
Date | March 2015

The IPA created Experiment #3.47 (SUNY Stony Brook) in collaboration with staff
and students at SUNY Stony Brook,
culminating in a performance at 
the Staller Center for the Arts.

After a day of workshops with the students, the IPA used dressing rooms, faculty lounges, restrooms and stairways to bring this institutional building to life, coaxing audience members out of public spaces and into individual psychogeographic journeys through hidden institutional nooks, off-limit academic crannies, and secret backstage passageways. 

Collaborators included Patrice Miller, Laine Bonstein, Maggie Robinson, Kristin Arensen, and the wonderful staff and students of SUNY Stony Brook.

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